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07 04 2021 Xem thêm
Trong số 1,1 triệu lao động thất nghiệp, có 42,1% là thanh niên
Báo cáo điều tra lao động việc làm năm 2019 được Tổng cục Thống kê công bố cách đây vài ngày ghi nhận trong số 1,1 triệu lao động thất nghiệp, có...
05 04 2021 Xem thêm
Websites to Practice English at Home
These are a few websites you can learn from at any time.
31 03 2021 Xem thêm
New York’s wealthy parents try to raise unentitled kids
Wealthy parents seem to have it made when it comes to raising their children. They can offer their kids the healthiest foods, the most attentive...
26 03 2021 Xem thêm
PHP is the most used server-side programming languages for websites
Most websites used PHP in server side
18 03 2021 Xem thêm
Textbooks in the digital world
For decades, textbooks were seen as the foundation for instruction in American schools. These discipline-specific tomes were a fundamental part of the...
16 03 2021 Xem thêm
Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years
10 years...........to learn is what you need.
15 03 2021 Xem thêm
How did Elon Musk become so successful?
First, he is a great person. He has a unique talent in the world. Secondly, one realizes that Elon Musk has always adopted great principles of life...
14 03 2021 Xem thêm
The Mind-Body-Environment Connection
Sometimes, revolutions do happen, and the fruitful, thought-provoking intersection of cognitive neuroscience and psychological science with built...
14 03 2021 Xem thêm
How the environment shapes the mind
How do these preferences develop? Are these preferences created in our mind by the people or the environment we live in?