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Role of Education according to UNESCO

Viết bởi: Eduway Team, 22 04 2019

Role of Education

Education should be a means to empower children and adults alike to become active participants in the transformation of their societies. Learning should also focus on the values, attitudes and behaviors which enable individuals to learn to live together in a world characterized by diversity and pluralism.

In 1960, UNESCO adopted the Convention against Discrimination in Education, which acknowledges the crucial role of education in ensuring equality of opportunity for members of all racial, national or ethnic groups. It was the very first time that a binding instrument in the United Nations system contained a detailed definition of the term DISCRIMINATION.

The Convention qualifies it as « Any distinction, exclusion, limitation or preference based on race, color, sex, language, religion or political or other opinion, national or social origin, economic condition or birth ». The Convention calls on States to adopt immediate measures in favor of equality in education and links the concept of Education directly to Human Rights.

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